
Data Science for Social Justice

Workshop, UC Berkeley, D-Lab, 2024

Senoir Fellow for the DSSJ 2024 summer program where I co-teach and co-mentor students on fundamenatals of langauge processing and readings related to Fairness Accountability and Transparency.

Intro to CS

, UC Berkeley and Kaplan University Partners, 2023

Gave a guest Lecture for an online intro to CS course for high school students.

Human-Centered & Ethical Low-Resource NLP

Undergraduate and Graduate course, Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, ECES, 2023

Designed and taught a course at AAiT for BSc and MSc students. Click the title to see the syllabus.

TA for AddisCoder

Summer Program, Menen School, 2023

Volunteered as a TA for the AddisCoder 2023 summer program in Addis Ababa, teaching highschool students from across the country python fundamentals and algorithms.